Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Broccoli Stem Salad

Every time when I bought those Broccoli , I wished why can't someone find a recipe for the stalks too. Initially, it broke my heart to throw away the stem part of this over-priced veggie which in India currently is Rs.255 per Kg..I knew that broccoli stem were used in soups in some countries , but the idea of making a soup of it did not appease me.Instead,I decided to try a Salad version of the Broccoli Stem. 

Things Required:

Broccoli Stem-1
Tomato- 1
Tofu- 3 tsp grated
Ginger-Garlic Paste- 1/2 tsp
Soya Sauce- 2 tsp
Pepper Powder- 2 pinch

1. Clean the Broccoli stem and remove the protruding stalks and leaves. Then finely chop them.
Broccoli Stems
2.Finely chop the Tomato

3.Heat oil in a pan.Add the chopped stems and tomato.Then add  ginger -garlic paste.


4.Add soya sauce ,pepper and grated tofu. Then mix it along.


5. The Broccoli Stem Salad is ready to go....

Any sort of veggies can be used like bell peppers,carrots.All go well with the Stem salad.

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